1. block 102

    asa vauclair and his... hair
  2. block 113
    "bucky barnes is like, my moon and stars. i know i'm always gushing about him, but i honestly really do love him, as a character and as a man, and it's such an honor for me to be be bringing him to life. the struggles he's going through now, i can't wait for people to see how it develops him, how it changes him, and how he comes out of it for the better."
  3. block 234

    look at his little man bun!
  4. block 174

    asa vauclair on a friend's snapchat
    oh my god why can't asa have his own snapchat? GET A SNAPCHAT YOU GOOF
  5. block 889

    the world is a vampire, sent to drain
    secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames
    and what do i get, for my pain?
    betrayed desires, and a piece of the game
    despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage
    despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage
    then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
    despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage
  6. block 627

    asa vauclair as bucky barnes in captain america: the first avenger
    the world needs more of asa in a military uniform
    Where is my Bucky Barnes origin story movie??
  7. block 265

    ASA VAUCLAIR out and about acting a fool in Dublin.
    okay c'mon someone's GOTTA have the video this is from!! anyone??!!
  8. block 212
    "I don't think I approach acting the way other actors do... or the way people think actors should think about acting? Like I'm really not trying to be humble or whatever when I say that I don't care about winning an award or anything. Like it's awesome when I do and I'm only human, I love being nominated for things, but I don't, like, choose roles based on whether I think I'll get accolades for that particular role. I like interesting characters and interesting storylines. Maybe, like, they wouldn't be interesting choices for other people, but for me they are and that's what I'm happy with. I think I've just been lucky enough so far that my choices have gone on to gain a shit-ton of fans!"
    he is so legit ohmygod it feels like the roles he's taken on so far are even more personal?? i love this man so fucking much ohmygod (also, we say like about the same amount of times)
  9. block 109

    Asa Vauclair & Patricia Clarkson (4/100 of Asa Vauclair actually goes out in public and knows other celebrities.) Alternatively: the last time Asa Vauclair had normal looking hair.
  10. block 1872

    modern day au where bucky goes into porn to help pay for steve's medical bills (and does twink porn with a hot douchebag star named crossbones!1!!!!!!)


    non-inception au where arthur goes into porn for whatever reason that's distinctly arthur-ian and does twink porn with his hot british costar eames that he is most definitely not going to fall in love with nope ever
  11. block 139

  12. block 650

    never forget
  13. block 72
    does anybody remember the hot second asa was married? i do!
  14. block 306

    "Oh for sure, if I wasn't acting I'd just be playing music 24/7. I learned how to play music before I could even know how to talk properly. My mum was clasically trained in the piano, the violin, and she passed those lessons on to me very quickly." — Asa Vauclair for OUT Magazine (03/2011)